Learning Teams

We focus on collaboration to

improve Learning

Our College has successfully developed a positive and collaborative staff culture which focuses on professional learning and dialogue.

To drive our College improvement program and Professional Learning Structure, we have a number of learning teams that have been established:

  • The Gr8 Thinking Team
  • The GAP Team
  • The Literacy Team
  • The Numeracy Team

The Gr8 Thinking Team

The Gr8 Thinking Team is a mix of experienced teachers, early career teachers and Middle Leaders who have a passion for pedagogy, teaching and learning.

They meet before School every fortnight and collectively plan, design and implement the College’s Professional Learning Program.

The members of this team facilitate PLT Sessions that run fortnightly, aimed at improving staff practice.

Members of this team model new pedagogical practice and support other staff to experiment with new researched based strategies and resources.

The GAP Team

The GAP Team is another voluntary group of teachers from a range of KLA Areas.

This team is responsible for the facilitation and implementation of the College’s general learning intervention programs or, as we like to call it, Growth Action Plans (GAP).

The team meets fortnightly before school and identifies staff and students that require additional support or a learning boost in particular areas. They then prepare, facilitate and model Growth Action Plan Meetings for all staff on a twice termly basis.

In these sessions staff work in small groups of 8-10 staff focusing on two students per group that require further support or extension.

Teachers bring work samples to the meeting and discuss student strengths and strategies for improvement.

The GAP Team Members design and facilitate the sessions, supporting teachers to implement and experiment with new strategies between GAP meetings.

This allows a professional discussion and reflection to take place at the next meeting.

Teachers can then to review and adapt their pedagogy to really target student needs.

The Literacy Team

The LIT Team works by collaborating with:

  1. The Gr8 Thinking Team in professional learning that involves writing, vocabulary and comprehension;
  2. the GAP Team through collaborative planning and sharing using writing, reading and comprehension strategies for students identified at GAP Meetings.

The Literacy team has led staff professional learning and built KLA collaboration through a consistent, College wide approach to Literacy.

The team focuses on Writing, Vocabulary and a Literacy Data Wall which is used during Staff Professional Learning Team Sessions.

The Numeracy Team

The Numeracy team was established in 2020 and has successfully implemented a cross curricula Numeracy Program.

This team of staff, from a range of KLA areas, leads staff in professional learning of numeracy strategies, supporting KLA areas in the application of Numeracy to their area.

They analyse Numeracy data and identify areas for improvement.