Social Justice

Everyone Deserves

Dignity, Justice &


Catholic schools have a long history of promoting social justice and advocating for the marginalised in society. At the heart of Catholic social teaching is the belief that every human being has inherent dignity and is deserving of respect and justice. 

Catholic schools strive to instil these values in their students and encourage them to work towards creating a more just and equitable world.
Catholic schools have a unique role to play in promoting social justice. They provide an excellent and broad education that includes:
  • developing a sense of social responsibility
  • a commitment to service to others
  • embedded community service in the curriculum
  • opportunities for students to put their faith into action and make a difference in their communities.
Catholic schools also support social justice initiatives and organisations. They partner with Catholic and local charities and advocacy groups to address issues such as poverty, homelessness, and inequality.
By working with these organisations, Catholic schools help to raise awareness of these issues and empower their students to make a positive impact in the world.

How are we helping our community?

Catholic schools offer a unique perspective on social justice that is rooted in the Gospel and Catholic tradition.
By promoting social justice and empowering their students to make a difference in the world, Catholic schools are fulfilling their mission to form young people who are not only academically successful but also committed to building a more just and compassionate society.
At Marian Catholic College, we offer the following mission opportunities:
  • Carevan
  • Caritas – Project Compassion Fundraising
  • I-Care Kits – Providing sanitary kits for those in our community who are in most need
  • MCC Kindness Project
  • St Vincent De Paul Christmas Hampers
  • Fundraising to support local charities.